LoyaltyLift is a desktop application designed for small business owners to manage their customers and orders efficiently, allowing you to improve customer relations and increase customer loyalty. It is optimised for users who are fast typists while still having the benefits of a visual interface.

With LoyaltyLift, you can easily keep track of your customers’ preferences, purchase history, and contact information, enabling you to provide personalised service that will keep them coming back. Our application makes it easy to manage orders and provide rewards, helping you grow your business while delivering an exceptional customer experience.

This user guide provides in-depth documentation on LoyaltyLift installation process, command features and common questions that you might have. In addition, the quick start guide provides an end-to-end setup process to get you started.

Are you excited yet? Let’s get started!

Table of contents

Using this guide

We want to ensure you can easily navigate our guide, so we’ve included some icons to help you along the way.

Here’s a quick guide to what they all mean:

Icons Meaning
:bulb: Useful tips
:information_source: Notable information you should be aware of
:exclamation: Important information you should read before proceeding
:keyboard: Examples of a command or feature

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Quick start

  1. Ensure your computer has Java 11 or above installed.
    • If you need to install Java, the official website provides download links for most computer systems.
    • You can verify your computer’s Java installation with this instruction.
  2. Download the latest loyaltylift.jar from here.

  3. Copy the file to any empty folder; this will be your designated home folder for LoyaltyLift.

  4. Double-click on loyaltylift.jar to launch LoyaltyLift.
    A similar GUI, as seen below, should appear in a few seconds. Note how the app contains some sample data.

  5. Type the command in the command box (which says Enter command here...) and press Enter to execute it. e.g. typing help and pressing Enter will open the help window.
    Some example commands you can try:

    • listc : Lists all customers.

    • addc n/John Doe p/98765432 e/johnd@example.com a/John street, block 123, #01-01 : Adds a customer named John Doe to LoyaltyLift.

    • viewc 1 : Displays information of the 1st customer in the current customer list on the right panel (Information Panel)

    • deletec 3 : Deletes the 3rd customer shown in the current customer list.

    • clear : Deletes all customers and orders.

    • exit : Exits the app.

  6. Refer to the Features below for details of each command.

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Getting to know LoyaltyLift

This section is designed to help new users get started with using LoyaltyLift. In this section, you will learn how to perform essential tasks such as adding customers, creating orders, and setting up rewards. By the end of these tutorials, you will have a solid understanding of the fundamental features of LoyaltyLift and how to use them effectively to improve your business operations.

So, let’s dive in and get started!

Before starting your journey with LoyaltyLift, let’s take a quick look at the layout of LoyaltyLift.

Layout of LoyaltyLift

It comprises 3 panels, the Information Panel, Command Panel and List Panel. The List Panel displays either customers or orders, controlled by List Tabs.

The components are summarised below.

Component Purpose
Command Panel Input area to submit your command to LoyaltyLift
Information Panel Displays details of a specific customer or order
List Panel Displays list of customers or orders
List Tabs Switch between displaying customers and orders in the List Panel

Using the Command Panel

The Command Panel is where you type and submit your commands. LoyaltyLift then processes your request and performs them if it is successful.

If LoyaltyLift understands your request, it will perform it and display feedback that it has succeeded, as seen below.

CLI Success

Otherwise, the input font will turn red instead, as seen below. The feedback will assist you in correcting the command as much as possible.

CLI Failure

Now that you are familiar with the layout of LoyaltyLift, you are ready to jump right into using the application!

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Add your first customer and order

In this tutorial, you will learn how to add your first customer Lyndon Edwards and his order of 2 of his favourite Banana Cake. Finally, you will learn to remove a customer and observe that all orders belonging to a customer will be removed as well.

:bulb: Tip: If you have not done so, use the clear command to remove the sample data!

Your first customer, Lyndon Edwards

Adding your first customer is effortless on LoyaltyLift using addc. Enter the following command to insert a new customer Lyndon Edwards and some basic contact information.

addc n/Lyndon Edwards p/93015612 e/lyndon@example.com a/Loyalty Street 103, block 122

The application should already have your customer displayed by this step. Nonetheless, you can always type the following commands to list all customers and view the first customer in LoyaltyLift, corresponding to Lyndon Edwards.

viewc 1

result after adding customer

Your first order, 2 x Banana Cakes

Now that Lyndon Edwards is in LoyaltyLift, we can add an order for him. This can be done with the addo command like the following.

addo 1 n/Banana Cake q/2 

Likewise, the application should already have the order opened for your convenience. To do this manually, you can list all your orders and view the first order’s information by performing the following commands.

viewo 1

result after adding customer and order

Clear application data again

Before ending this tutorial, let us clear our application data by removing Lyndon Edwards and his Banana Cake order.

While the clear command achieves this quickly, we can also simply remove Lyndon Edwards from LoyaltyLift with the deletec command.

deletec 1
:exclamation: Caution: In addition to removing Lyndon Edwards from the application, all of his orders are also removed!

Hence, you will notice that the order list is now empty, and our application is back to a clean slate.


result after deleting lyndon edwards

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Following your order to completion

By following this tutorial, you will learn how to update your order’s status in LoyaltyLift, which will help you better understand and manage the process of orders in your business.

The order’s status

In LoyaltyLift, an order can have the following status.

  • Pending
  • Paid
  • Shipped
  • Completed
  • Cancelled

:information_source: Notes about the order status:

LoyaltyLift assumes that your order will follow a process similar to the order of status stated above (excluding cancelled).

Before we start, head over to Add your first customer and order to include Lyndon Edwards and the Banana Cake order. However, do not clear the application data as we will use the order for this tutorial.

Advancing an order’s status

Let’s look at our current list of orders, which should only consist of the order of Banana Cake.


Notice that the order’s status is now Pending. The advo command will come in handy to advance an order’s status, which takes the order index as its only parameter.

advo 1

result after advancing order status

Now, the status of the order should be Paid. Doing this multiple times will eventually update the order’s status to Completed. Afterwards, further attempts to advance the order status will return an error!

Reverting an order’s status

To revert an order’s status, the revo command is similar to advo but has the inverse effect.

revo 1

Now, the status of the order should be Pending. As expected, trying to revert the status when it is already Pending, will be met with an error!

Cancelling an order

An order can be cancelled at any stage of the order. This can be performed with the cancelo command.

cancelo 1

result after cancelling order

Looking at the order status, it is now reflected as Cancelled. Once an order is cancelled, its status can no longer be advanced.

:bulb: Tip: If you accidentally cancel an order, you can still revert its status!

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Rewarding your customers

This tutorial will teach you the rewards system in LoyaltyLift and how you can apply it to boost your business’s customer loyalty.

The tier system

In LoyaltyLift, there are three tiers with their associated point threshold.

Tier Point Threshold
Bronze 1000
Silver 5000
Gold 10000

:information_source: Notes about the tier system:

LoyaltyLift assumes that your tier system will follow a similar style of Bronze, Silver and Gold.

The point threshold above means that if a customer has cumulative points equal to or greater than that threshold, he will be part of that tier. For instance, a customer with 5500 cumulative points will be in the Silver tier as he is above the Silver tier point threshold but below the Gold tier point threshold.

Before we start, head over to Add your first customer and order to include Lyndon Edwards and the Banana Cake order. However, do not clear the application data as we will use the customer for this tutorial.

Rewarding your customers with points is an effortless process on LoyaltyLift using setpoints or addpoints.

In this scenario, we want to add points to Lyndon Edwards for his Banana Cake order! Here, we assume that Lyndon Edwards is at your first index.

Enter the following command to add points to Lyndon Edwards to reward him points.

addpoints 1 pt/800

result after adding points

You should see that Lyndon Edwards has 800 points.

Now that Lyndon Edwards has some points, let’s claim a reward on his behalf for being a loyal customer. In this scenario, it costs 500 points for a water bottle. Let’s deduct 500 points from Lyndon Edwards to reward him with a water bottle! Using the addpoints command, you can then track his new points again.

Enter the following command to subtract points from Lyndon Edwards after claiming a reward.

addpoints 1 pt/-500

result after subtracting points

You should observe that Lyndon Edwards has 300 points remaining. However, do note that he still has 800 cumulative points, as cumulative points are not subtracted away while claiming rewards.

Lastly, perhaps what you did above was a mistake. Lyndon Edwards should have 8000 points for being such a loyal customer. You can overwrite his previous points and cumulative points, using the setpoints command!

setpoints 1 pt/8000

result after setting points

You should see that Lyndon Edwards now has 8000 points and 8000 cumulative points. Also, you should observe that he is now part of the Silver tier, as he has above 5000 cumulative points!

:bulb: Tip: The difference between setpoints and addpoints is that setting points will also set cumulative points to the same amount. If you wish to keep the current cumulative points, use the addpoints command instead.

You should now be able to reward any of your customers with our point system!

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Extra remarks

While these tutorials cover a simplified situation of adding a customer and order, you may need more complex control/tasks, and LoyaltyLift is ready for it!

Here are some recommended features to explore after this tutorial.

  • Editing a customer or order’s information with editc or edito
  • Assigning a customer as an individual or enterprise with addc or editc

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:information_source: Notes about the command format:

  • You should supply parameters to words in UPPER_CASE.
    e.g. addc n/NAME ..., NAME is a parameter which can be used as addc n/John Doe ....

  • Items in square brackets are optional.
    e.g. ...n/NAME [q/QUANTITY] can be used as ...n/Cake q/2 or as ...n/Cake.

  • Items in curly brackets are an indication to use one of the given options, separated by the character |. e.g. ct/{ind|ent} is a parameter that should be used as ct/ind or ct/ent exactly.

  • You can enter parameters in any order.
    e.g. if the command specifies n/NAME p/PHONE, p/PHONE n/NAME is also acceptable.

  • If a parameter is specified multiple times, only the last occurrence of the parameter will be taken.
    e.g. if you specify p/12341234 p/56785678, only p/56785678 will be taken.

  • Extraneous parameters for commands that do not take in parameters (such as help, exit and clear) will be ignored.
    e.g. if the command specifies help 123, it will be interpreted as help.

:information_source: Some commands require you to specify an INDEX:

  • The index must be a positive integer 1, 2, 3, …​

  • The index refers to the index number of a customer or order as shown in the List Panel.

    • CINDEX refers to a customer’s index
    • OINDEX refers to an order’s index

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Adding a customer : addc

You can include your new customer into LoyaltyLift with addc.


addc n/NAME p/PHONE e/EMAIL a/ADDRESS [ct/{ind|ent}]
Prefix Parameter Optional Description
n/ Name   Alphanumeric characters and spaces
p/ Phone   A sequence of numbers, at least 3 digits
e/ Email   Of the format local-part@domain
a/ Address   Any value
ct/ Customer Type ind - Individual
ent - Enterprise
Customers are Individuals by default

:keyboard: Examples:

  • addc ct/ind n/John Doe p/98765432 e/johnd@example.com a/John street, block 123, #01-01
    Adds an individual customer named John Doe

  • addc ct/ent n/The Potato Farm e/thepotatofarm@example.com a/South street, block 983, #02-01 p/1234567
    Adds an enterprise customer named The Potato Farm

  • addc n/Mary Jane p/93130151 e/maryjane@example.com a/Mary Lamb Street, block 23, #01-12
    Adds an individual customer named Mary Jane

Listing customers : listc

This command shows a list of customers in the List Panel. You can filter and sort the list by specifying additional details.


listc [s/{name|points}] [f/{marked|ind|ent}]
  • Lists customers with the specified sort and filter option.
Prefix Parameter Optional Description
s/ Sort name - Sort by name
points - Sort by points
By default, customers are sorted by name
f/ Filter marked - Show only bookmarked customers
ind - Show only individuals
ent - Show only enterprises
By default, all customers are shown

:keyboard: Examples:

  • listc
    Lists all customers sorted by name

  • listc s/points
    Lists all customers sorted by points

  • listc s/points f/marked
    Lists all bookmarked customers sorted by points

Locating customers by name : findc

This command helps you find customers whose names contain any of the given keywords.


  • The search is case-insensitive. e.g. hans will match Hans
  • The order of the keywords does not matter. e.g. Hans Bo will match Bo Hans
  • Only the name is searched.
  • Only full words will be matched e.g. Han will not match Hans
  • Customers matching at least one keyword will be returned (i.e. OR search). e.g. Hans Bo will return Hans Gruber, Bo Yang

:keyboard: Examples:

  • findc John
    Returns john and John Doe

  • findc alex david
    Returns Alex Yeoh and David Li
    result for 'findc alex david'

Viewing a customer : viewc

You can view all information about your customer in a single location; this command displays all about them in the Information Panel.


viewc CINDEX
  • Displays the customer’s information at the specified CINDEX.
:bulb: Tip: You can click on the customer in the table directly for the same effect!

:keyboard: Examples:

  • listc and viewc 2
    Displays the second customer in the Information Panel
    result for 'viewc 2'

Editing a customer : editc

Customer information can change over time. Thus, editc lets you update their personal information, such as their phone number and address.


editc CINDEX [n/NAME] [p/PHONE] [e/EMAIL] [a/ADDRESS] [ct/{ind|env}]
  • Edits the customer at the specified CINDEX.
  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided.
  • Existing values will be updated to the input values.
Prefix Parameter Optional Description
n/ Name Alphanumeric characters and spaces
p/ Phone A sequence of numbers, at least 3 digits
e/ Email Of the format local-part@domain
a/ Address Any value
ct/ Customer Type ind - Individual
ent - Enterprise

:keyboard: Examples:

  • editc 1 p/91234567 e/johndoe@example.com
    Edits the phone number and email address of the 1st customer to be 91234567 and johndoe@example.com respectively.

  • editc 2 ct/ind n/Betsy Crower
    Edits the name of the 2nd customer to be Betsy Crower.

Deleting a customer : deletec

If a customer requests that their information be removed from LoyaltyLift, deletec helps you remove their profile and orders.


deletec CINDEX
  • Deletes the customer at the specified CINDEX.

:keyboard: Examples:

  • listc followed by deletec 2
    Deletes the 2nd customer in LoyaltyLift.

  • findc Betsy followed by deletec 1
    Deletes the 1st customer in the results of the findc command.

Bookmark a customer : markc

You can use this command to prioritise a customer among the customer list.


markc CINDEX
  • Bookmarks the customer at the specified CINDEX.​

:keyboard: Examples:

  • listc followed by markc 2
    Bookmarks the 2nd customer in LoyaltyLift. result for 'markc 2'

Un-bookmark a customer : unmarkc

unmarkc allows you to remove a bookmark of a customer.


unmarkc CINDEX
  • Un-bookmarks the customer at the specified CINDEX.

:keyboard: Examples:

  • listc followed by unmarkc 2
    Un-bookmarks the 2nd customer in LoyaltyLift. result for 'unmarkc 2'

Setting a customer’s note : setnotec

By creating a note, you can keep track of essential details of your customers, such as their preferences or previous feedback.


setnotec CINDEX nt/NOTE
  • Sets NOTE as the note of the customer at the specified CINDEX.
  • Customers, by default, have a blank note.
Prefix Parameter Optional Description
nt/ Note   Any value
:bulb: Tip: You can remove a customer’s note by specifying no value after the prefix!

:keyboard: Examples:

  • findc Betsy followed by setnotec 1 nt/Vegetarian
    Sets the 1st customer’s note as Vegetarian in the results of the findc command. result for 'setnotec 1 nt/Vegetarian'

  • listc followed by setnotec 2 nt/
    Removes the 2nd customer’s note.

Appending a customer’s note : appendnotec

In the event that you have more information to add for a customer, appendnotec comes in handy to add details to an existing note without replacing it.


appendnotec CINDEX nt/NOTE
  • Adds NOTE to any existing note of the customer at the specified CINDEX.
Prefix Parameter Optional Description
nt/ Note   Any value

:keyboard: Examples:

  • listc followed by appendnotec 2 nt/Very friendly!
    Adds Very friendly! to the 2nd customer’s existing note.

  • findc Betsy followed by appendnotec 1 nt/Vegetarian
    Adds Vegetarian to the note of the 1st customer in the results of the findc command.

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Setting reward points for a customer : setpoints

setpoints allows you to directly set both the current and cumulated points of a customer.


setpoints CINDEX pt/POINTS
  • Sets the points of the customer at the specified CINDEX to POINTS.
  • Customers, by default, have 0 points.
Prefix Parameter Optional Description
pt/ Points   A positive integer up to 999999
:bulb: Tip: Setting points will also set cumulative points to the same amount. If you wish to keep the current cumulative points, use the addpoints command instead.

:keyboard: Examples:

  • listc followed by setpoints 2 pt/100
    Sets the 2nd customer’s points as 100. result for 'setpoints 2'

  • findc Betsy followed by setpoints 1 pt/300
    Sets the 1st customer points as 300 in the results of the findc command.

Adding/Subtracting points for a customer : addpoints

With addpoints, you can add or subtract points from your customers as they place orders. LoyaltyLift keeps track of their cumulated points and assigns them a tier to tell you who are your most loyal customers!


addpoints CINDEX pt/POINTS
  • Adds or subtracts the points of the customer at the specified CINDEX by POINTS.
  • If the points subtracted is greater than what the customer has, the command will not be executed.
  • If the points added will result in points or cumulative points being greater than 999999, the command will not be executed.
Prefix Parameter Optional Description
pt/ Points   Either
A positive integer to add points
A negative integer to subtract points
:bulb: Tip: addpoints will also result in an addition of cumulative points, while subtraction will not affect cumulative points.

:keyboard: Examples:

  • listc followed by addpoints 2 pt/100
    Adds 100 reward points to the 2nd customer.

  • findc Betsy followed by addpoints 1 pt/-300
    Deducts 300 reward points from the 1st customer in the results of the findc command.

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Adding an order : addo

When your customer requests an order, you can include the order and its information with addo.


  • Adds an order for the customer at the specified CINDEX.
Prefix Parameter Optional Description
n/ Product Name   Alphanumeric characters and spaces
q/ Quantity A positive integer up to 999
Defaults to 1
a/ Address Any value
Defaults to the customer’s address

:keyboard: Examples:

  • addo 1 n/Banana Cake 1 q/2 a/Changi Airport
    Adds the order, 2 x Banana cakes to the list, tags it to customer at index 1, and status is Pending, address is Changi Airport.

  • addo 4 n/Strawberry ice cream
    Adds the order 1 x Strawberry ice cream, tags it to customer 4, and sets status to Pending, address is the customer’s address.

Listing all orders : listo

This command shows you a list of orders in the List Panel. You can filter and sort this list by specifying more details.


listo [s/{created|name|status}] [f/STATUS]
  • List orders with the specified sort and filter option.
Prefix Parameter Optional Description
s/ Sort created - Sort by created date
name - Sort by name
status - Sort by status
By default, orders are sorted by created date
f/ Filter Show only orders with the specified status
By default, all orders are shown
:exclamation: Caution: Currently, you are unable to add the same order name and quantity for the same customer twice on the same day!

:keyboard: Examples:

  • listo
    Lists all orders sorted by created date.

  • listo s/status
    Lists all orders sorted by status.

  • listo s/name f/pending
    Lists all pending orders sorted by name.

Locating orders by name : findo

findo helps you find orders whose names contain any of the given keywords.


  • The search is case-insensitive. e.g. chocolate will match Chocolate
  • The order of the keywords does not matter. e.g. chocolate cake will match cake chocolate.
  • Only the order name is searched.
  • Only full words will be matched e.g. chocolate will not match chocolatey
  • Orders matching at least one keyword will be returned (i.e. OR search). e.g. chocolate cake will return chocolate muffin, crepe cake

:keyboard: Examples:

  • findo chocolate
    Returns chocolate cake and chocolate muffin

  • findo banana muffin
    Returns banana cake, chocolate muffin

Viewing an order : viewo

You can view all information about your order in a single location; viewo displays all about an order in the Information Panel.


viewo OINDEX
  • Displays the order’s information at the specified OINDEX.
:bulb: Tip: You can click on the order in the table directly for the same effect!

:keyboard: Examples:

  • listo and viewo 2
    Displays the second order in the Information Panel result for 'viewo 2'

Editing an order : edito

As your customer may request changes in the order, such as the address, you can update this information with edito.


  • Edits the order at the specified OINDEX.
  • At least one of the optional fields must be provided.
  • Existing values will be updated to the input values.
Prefix Parameter Optional Description
n/ Product Name Alphanumeric characters and spaces
q/ Quantity A positive integer up to 999
Defaults to 1
a/ Address Any value
Defaults to the customer’s address

:keyboard: Examples:

  • edito 1 q/100 a/Gardens by the Bay
    Edits the quantity and address of the 1st order to 100 and Gardens by the Bay respectively.

  • edito 2 n/Brownies q/10
    Edits the name and quantity of the 2nd order to be Brownies and 10 respectively.

Advancing an order’s status : advo

As you process the order for your customer, you can update the order’s status easily with advo.


  • Advances the order at the specified OINDEX.
  • An order’s status will be advanced in the following sequence: Pending, Paid, Shipped, Completed.
:bulb: Tip: If the order is completed, the status cannot be advanced further

:keyboard: Examples:

  • advo 1
    Advances the status of the 1st order result for 'advo 1'

Reverting an order’s status : revo

In the event that an order’s progress has to reset backwards, revo helps you revert the order to the previous status.


  • Edits the order at the specified OINDEX.
  • An order’s status will be reverted in the following sequence: Completed, Shipped, Paid, Pending.

:bulb: Tip:

  • If the order is Pending, the status cannot be reverted further.

  • If the order is Cancelled, revo will revert the order to its previous status prior to cancellation.

:keyboard: Examples:

  • revo 1
    Reverts the status of the 1st order.

Cancelling an order : cancelo

With cancelo, you can update an order’s status as cancelled whenever an order is invalid or the customer cancels an order.


cancelo OINDEX
  • Cancels the order at the specified OINDEX.

:keyboard: Examples:

  • cancelo 1
    Changes the status of the 1st order to Cancelled.

Deleting an order : deleteo

If you need to remove an order from LoyaltyLift, you can do so with deleteo.


deleteo OINDEX
  • Deletes the order at the specified OINDEX.

:keyboard: Examples:

  • listo followed by deleteo 2
    Deletes the 2nd order on the displayed order list.

  • findo chocolate followed by deleteo 1
    Deletes the 1st order in the results of the findo command.

Setting an order’s note : setnoteo

By creating notes for your orders, you can save crucial details of orders, such as customer requests or preferred delivery timings.


setnoteo OINDEX nt/NOTE
  • Sets NOTE as the note of the order at the specified OINDEX.
  • Orders, by default, have a blank note.
Prefix Parameter Optional Description
nt/ Note   Any value
:bulb: Tip: Similarly to setnotec, You can remove an order’s note by specifying no value after the prefix!

:keyboard: Examples:

  • listo followed by setnoteo 2 nt/Keep cool
    Sets the 2nd order’s note as Keep cool.

  • listo followed by setnoteo 2 nt/
    Removes the 2nd order’s note.

  • findo Brownies followed by setnoteo 1 nt/Vegan-friendly
    Sets the 1st order’s note as Vegan-friendly in the results of the findo command.

Appending an order’s note : appendnoteo

In the event that an additional customer request for an order comes in, you can use appendnoteo to add to the existing note of an order.


appendnoteo OINDEX nt/NOTE
  • Adds NOTE to any existing note of the customer at the specified OINDEX.
Prefix Parameter Optional Description
nt/ Note   Any value

:keyboard: Examples:

  • listo followed by appendnoteo 2 nt/Keep cool
    Adds Keep cool to the 2nd order’s existing note.

  • findo Brownies followed by appendnoteo 1 nt/Vegan-friendly
    Adds Vegan-friendly to the note of the 1st order in the results of the findo command.

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Clearing all entries : clear

Clears all your customers and orders from LoyaltyLift.



Exiting the program : exit

Exits the program.



Viewing help : help

Shows a message explaining how to access the help page.



help message

Saving the data

Customer and order data are saved in the hard disk automatically after any command that changes the data. There is no need for you to save manually.

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Q: My customer’s name includes special characters such as Jôse; how can I add this customer into LoyaltyLift?
A: Currently, LoyaltyLift cannot store a customer’s name with special characters. However, one workaround is to add the customer by replacing the special character with a close equivalent, such as Jose, and use the setnotec command to type his actual name, such as setnotec 1 nt/Jôse.

Q: How do I view a customer’s order history in LoyaltyLift?
A: The order history of a customer is available when you view the customer’s information in the information panel. To do so, you can first use findc command to locate the customer, then viewc command to display the customer in the information panel. The order history is found under the History section.

Q: How can I store specific requests from my customer’s for an order?
A: Using the setnoteo command, you can add information such as special customer requests for that particular order! Here is an example when your customer requests lesser sugar: setnoteo 1 nt/less sugar.

Q: The note I have saved for my customer is no longer valid; how do I clear the note for this customer?
A: Assuming the customer is at position 1 in your customer list, you can execute the command setnotec 1 nt/ to clear the current notes for a customer.


Q: Why are orders deleted or missing after deleting a customer with deletec?
A: Orders are closely tied to a customer in LoyaltyLift. Once a customer has been removed, all the customer’s orders needs to be cleared. If this is not ideal, we recommend avoiding deleting any customers.

Q: Can my orders have a different address than the customer’s address?
A: Yes! When you create an order using addo, you can specify the new address with the parameter a/. If this is not specified, the customer’s address is used instead for your convenience.

Q: I have cancelled or completed an order by accident. How do I undo this action?
A: With the revo command, you can quickly revert the order’s last status change you have made with advo or cancelo!


Q: Are the reward tiers of my customers based on the cumulated points or the current points they have?
A: Currently, LoyaltyLift determines the tiers of your customers by the cumulated points. However, if you feel that a customer no longer deserves the tier, you can use setpoints to replace both his current and cumulated points so that it would be below the threshold of the tier!

Q: Is there a limit to my customers’ cumulated points?
A: There is currently a limit of 999999 cumulated points for every customer. Do not fret as we will look into increasing this limit in future releases!

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Command summary


Action Format, Examples
Add Customer addc [ct/{ind|ent}] n/NAME p/PHONE e/EMAIL a/ADDRESS
e.g. addc n/James Ho p/22224444 e/jamesho@example.com a/123, Clementi Rd, 1234665
List Customer listc [s/{name|points}] [f/{marked|ind|ent}]
e.g. listc s/points
Find Customer findc KEYWORD [MORE_KEYWORDS]
e.g. findc Hans Bo
View Customer viewc CINDEX
e.g. viewc 2
Edit Customer editc CINDEX [ct/{ind|env}] [n/NAME] [p/PHONE] [e/EMAIL] [a/ADDRESS]
e.g. editc 1 p/91234567 e/johndoe@example.com
Delete Customer deletec CINDEX
e.g. deletec 3
Bookmark Customer markc CINDEX
e.g. markc 1
Un-bookmark Customer unmarkc CINDEX
e.g. unmarkc 1
Set Note for Customer setnotec CINDEX nt/NOTE
e.g. setnotec 2 nt/Very friendly!
Append Note for Customer appendnotec CINDEX nt/NOTE
e.g. appendnotec 2 nt/Very friendly!


Action Format, Examples
Set Points setpoints CINDEX pt/POINTS
e.g. setpoints 2 pt/100
Add Points addpoints CINDEX pt/POINTS
e.g. addpoints 2 pt/100, addpoints 1 pt/-50


Action Format, Examples
e.g. addo 1 n/Banana Cake 1 q/2
List Order listo [s/{created|name|status}] [f/STATUS]
e.g. listo s/status
e.g. findo banana muffin
View Order viewo OINDEX
e.g. viewo 2
Edit Order edito OINDEX [n/NAME] [q/QUANTITY] [a/ADDRESS]
e.g. edito 2 n/Brownies q/10
Advance Order advo OINDEX
e.g. advo 1
Revert Order revo OINDEX
e.g. revo 2
Cancel Order cancelo OINDEX
e.g. cancelo 3
Delete Order deleteo OINDEX
e.g. deleteo 3
Set Note for Order setnoteo OINDEX nt/NOTE
e.g. setnoteo 2 nt/no eggs and milk
Append Note for Order appendnoteo OINDEX nt/NOTE
e.g. appendnoteo 2 nt/no eggs and milk


Action Format, Examples
Clear clear
Exit exit
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